Yvonne shima Movies

  • 1960

    The Savage Innocents (1961)

    The Savage Innocents (1961)

    An Eskimo who has had little contact with white men goes to a trading post where he accidentally kil...

    Genreo : Adventure,Crime,Drama

    Actors : Anthony Quinn,Yôko Tani,Peter O'Toole,Carlo Giustini,Anna May Wong,Kaida Horiuchi,Marco Guglielmi...

  • 1960

    The World of Suzie Wong (1961)

    The World of Suzie Wong (1961)

    A businessman moves to Hong Kong to pursue a career as an artist and falls in love with a prostitute...

    Genreo : Drama,Romance

    Actors : William Holden,Nancy Kwan,Sylvia Syms,Michael Wilding,Jacqueline Chan,Laurence Naismith,Yvonne Shima...

  • 1962

    Dr. No (1962)

    Dr. No (1962)

    A resourceful British government agent seeks answers in a case involving the disappearance of a coll...

    Genreo : Action,Adventure,Thriller

    Actors : Sean Connery,Ursula Andress,Bernard Lee,Joseph Wiseman,Jack Lord,Anthony Dawson,Zena Marshall,John K...
