Yu wang Movies

  • 1981

    Kung Fu Zombie (1981)

    Kung Fu Zombie (1981)

    A criminal comes to town in order to kill Billy Chong over a past dispute. But instead of getting hi...

    Genreo : Action,Comedy,Horror

    Actors : Billy Chong,Lau Chan,Chung-You Chang,Kang-Yeh Cheng,Kei-Ying Cheng,Yan Hsiao,Wei Hu,Yeong-moon Kwon,...

  • 1972

    The Bloody Fists (1972)

    The Bloody Fists (1972)

    A band of evil Japanese martial artists want to possess all the dragon herb in a small Chinese villa...

    Genreo : Action

    Actors : Sing Chen,Kuan Tai Chen,Ta-Chuan Liu,Yung Henry Yu,Yu-mei Lin,Sau Sun Ho,Hsin-Yi Tseng,Yeh Fang,Kwai...
