Walter stocker Movies

  • 1986

    Hollywood Zap (1986)

    Hollywood Zap (1986)

    Story of two friends, one searching for his father, the other searching for the ultimate sexual vide...

    Genreo : Comedy

    Actors : Ben Frank,Ivan E. Roth,De Waldron,Claude Earl Jones,Neil Flanagan,Helen Verbit,Chuck Mitchell,Anne G...

  • 1963

    Lassie's Great Adventure (1963)

    Lassie's Great Adventure (1963)

    While in Canada Timmy and Lassie encounter a downed hot air ballonist. By accident they end up in th...

    Genreo : Family,Drama

    Actors : June Lockhart,Hugh Reilly,Jon Provost,Robert Howard,Will J. White,Richard Kiel,Walter Stocker,Walter...

  • 1957

    12 Angry Men (1957)

    12 Angry Men (1957)

    The jury in a New York City murder trial is frustrated by a single member whose skeptical caution fo...

    Genreo : Crime,Drama

    Actors : Henry Fonda,Lee J. Cobb,Martin Balsam,John Fiedler,E.G. Marshall,Jack Klugman,Edward Binns,Jack Ward...
