Tammy parks Movies

  • 1995

    Nude Bowling Party (1995)

    Nude Bowling Party (1995)

    Two teams, one consisting of two models and one of two dancers compete in a bowling contest. Since t...

    Genreo : Game-Show,Reality-TV,Sport

    Actors : Cory Lane,Taryn Carter,Jacqueline Lovell,Tammy Parks,Tom Van Vlisingen,D. Power,Scott Spiegel,Ivan R...

  • 1995

    Midnight Tease II (1995)

    Midnight Tease II (1995)

    Jennifer Brennan gets a job at a strip club to try and find out who killed her sister. She works wit...

    Genreo : Thriller,Drama

    Actors : Kimberly Kelley,Jack Turturici,Julie K. Smith,Ross Hagen,Tane McClure,Brett Baxter Clark,Griffin Dre...
