Shane connaughton Movies

  • 1985

    Four Days in July (1984)

    Four Days in July (1984)

    A Catholic and a Protestant couple in Northern Ireland have amazing parallels in their lives, despit...

    Genreo : Drama

    Actors : Brid Brennan,Des McAleer,Paula Hamilton,Charles Lawson,B.J. Hogg,Adrian Gordon,Shane Connaughton,Eil...

  • 2020

    Redemption of a Rogue (2021)

    Redemption of a Rogue (2021)

    A bible, black comedy about a prodigal son returning to his hometown to seek salvation for his sins.

    Genreo : Comedy,Drama

    Actors : Aaron Monaghan,Aisling O'Mara,Kieran Roche,Pat McCabe,Hugh B. O'Brien,Liz Fitzgibbon,Lorna Quinn,Cha...
