Richard groen Movies

  • 2012

    Agent Beetle (2012)

    Agent Beetle (2012)

    An undercover cop visits a drug company to get information on a program that gives convicted felons ...

    Genreo : Action

    Actors : Emanuelle Carriere,Phil Dukarsky,Christine Emes,Celine Filion,Paul Finnigan,Richard Groen,Mike Kosow...

  • 2012

    Rise of the Black Bat (2012)

    Rise of the Black Bat (2012)

    After a crime boss has Tony Quinn blinded by acid, Tony is given the ability to see in the dark like...

    Genreo : Action,Sci-Fi

    Actors : Jody Haucke,Richard Groen,Dixie Collins,Leo Frost,John E. McLenachan,Dan Demarbre,Celine Filion,Paul...
