Peter hirst Movies
A Brothers Bond (2024)
A Brothers Bond (2024)Tom and Danny, brothers, get entangled in the criminal underworld. They face dangers, self-discovery...
Genreo : Crime
Actors : Jerry Anderson,Stuart Buck,Noah Carr-Kingsnorth,Christian Cavendish,Ian Christie,Mark Collier,Christ...
Late Night Lycett (2023)
Late Night Lycett (2023)Comedian Joe Lycett hosts a weekly, Friday night comedy show live from Birmingham in front of a live...
Genreo : Comedy
Actors : Joe Lycett,Katherine Ryan,Peter Hirst,Paras Kaur Deogon,Rav Takhar,Lee-Anthony Wallis,Rob Delaney,Me...
The Essex Murders (2023)
The Essex Murders (2023)This gripping three-part series explores one of the most notorious multiple murders in British histo...
Genreo : Documentary,Crime,History
Actors : Peter Hirst,Steve Nipper Ellis,Ian McIntyre,Albert Patrick,Roy Vincent,Ellen Pyle,Lee Mayo
Ship of the Damned (2024)
Ship of the Damned (2024)After an abandoned 500 year-old ship appears off the coast of a small town, Historian Elena and the ...
Genreo : Action,Horror
Actors : Hannaj Bang Bendz,Jacob Anderton,Francesca Louise White,Ben Manning,Ciaron Davies,Martyn Luke,Sean T...