Nelson mcdowell Movies

  • 1917

    The Scarlet Car (1917)

    The Scarlet Car (1917)

    After discovering that Cyrus Peabody, the president of the bank, and his son Ernest have embezzled $...

    Genreo : Drama

    Actors : Franklyn Farnum,Edith Johnson,Lon Chaney,Sam De Grasse,Al W. Filson,Howard Crampton,William Lloyd,Al...

  • 1935

    The Dawn Rider (1935)

    The Dawn Rider (1935)

    Just as John travels to visit his father, he witnesses his death and suffers a gun wound - a beautif...

    Genreo : Drama,Western

    Actors : John Wayne,Marion Burns,Dennis Moore,Reed Howes,Joseph De Grasse,Yakima Canutt,Earl Dwire,Nelson McD...
