Melissa dougherty Movies

  • 2020

    Blunderpuss (2020)

    Blunderpuss (2020)

    Mike Bruton is a clown with a drinking problem. Seriously -- a real clown. Eager to pick up where he...

    Genreo : Comedy

    Actors : Meg Anderson,Emily Asaro,Emily Asaro,Drae Campbell,Mona Chalabi,Melissa Dougherty,Jude Dry,Mary Fein...

  • 2020

    The Dark End of the Street (2020)

    The Dark End of the Street (2020)

    Residents of a suburban community enjoy a night at home with their friends and family, while an omin...

    Genreo : Drama

    Actors : Scott Friend,Brooke Bloom,Lindsay Burdge,Michael Cyril Creighton,Jennifer Kim,Daniel K. Isaac,Anthon...

  • 2019

    Senior Escort Service (2019)

    Senior Escort Service (2019)

    Completely distraught after the sudden loss of her dad, filmmaker Shaina Feinberg will do anything s...

    Genreo : Comedy

    Actors : Emily Asaro,Luz Betancourt,Mikala Bierma,Naomi Blecher,Solomon Blecher,Drae Campbell,Mona Chalabi,Jo...
