Ljubisa samardzic Movies

  • 1981

    Visitors from the Galaxy (1981)

    Visitors from the Galaxy (1981)

    A science fiction writer is gifted with the ability to materialize his thoughts and inadvertently br...

    Genreo : Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi

    Actors : Ljubisa Samardzic,Zarko Potocnjak,Lucie Zulová,Jasminka Alic,Ksenia Prohaska,Rene Bitorajac,Edo Per...

  • 1969

    The Battle of Neretva (1969)

    The Battle of Neretva (1969)

    World war two drama about the 1943 battle around the Neretva River between Axis forces and Yugoslav ...

    Genreo : Drama,History,War

    Actors : Yul Brynner,Hardy Krüger,Franco Nero,Sylva Koscina,Orson Welles,Curd Jürgens,Anthony Dawson,Mi...
