Lesley mirza Movies
Watson (2025)
Watson (2025)A year after the death of his friend and partner Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson resumes his medica...
Genreo :
Actors : Morris Chestnut,Eve Harlow,Peter Mark Kendall,Inga Schlingmann,Rochelle Aytes,Ritchie Coster,Tommy O...
Pride: Seven Deadly Sins (2023)
Pride: Seven Deadly Sins (2023)Birdie Moore is a baker whose world starts to crumble when her family secrets are brought into the l...
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Keeya King,Stephanie Mills,Thomas Miles,Erica Campbell,Jaime M. Callica,Lucia Walters,Donna Benedict...
An Amish Sin (2022)
An Amish Sin (2022)An Amish teenager tries to escape the harsh 18th-century-style lifestyle where she grew up to find h...
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Dylan Ratzlaff,Kellie Martin,Rukiya Bernard,Troy Mundle,Jaden Oehr,Alexander Brophy,Rubi Tupper,Khob...
A Sugar & Spice Holiday (2020)
A Sugar & Spice Holiday (2020)A rising young architect, Suzy, returns to her hometown in Maine for Christmas and finds herself com...
Genreo : Comedy,Drama,Romance
Actors : Jacky Lai,Tony Giroux,Lillian Lim,Tzi Ma,Cardi Wong,Micah Chen,Grace Sunar,Aadila Dosani,Eli Gabay,M...