Leslee emmett Movies
High Rollers (2025)
High Rollers (2025)Sequel of Cash Out (2024).
Genreo : Action
Actors : Gene Alexander,Charles Barber,Bama Boy Buck,Demián Castro,Joel Cohen,Leslee Emmett,Jerome Evans,Mil...
Alarum (2025)
Alarum (2025)Two rogue spies go off-grid, marry, and come under attack at their remote cabin hideaway by various ...
Genreo : Action,Crime,Thriller
Actors : Sylvester Stallone,Scott Eastwood,Joel Cohen,Mark Polish,Abigail Spear,Anton Narinskiy,La Monde Byrd...
Hard Kill (2020)
Hard Kill (2020)The work of billionaire tech CEO Donovan Chalmers (Willis) is so valuable that he hires mercenaries ...
Genreo : Action,Thriller
Actors : Jesse Metcalfe,Bruce Willis,Lala Kent,Natalie Eva Marie,Texas Battle,Sergio Rizzuto,Swen Temmel,Jon ...
Trauma Center (2019)
Trauma Center (2019)Alone and trapped in a locked-down hospital, an injured young woman must escape a pair of vicious ki...
Genreo : Action,Thriller
Actors : Nicky Whelan,Bruce Willis,Tito Ortiz,Texas Battle,Catherine Davis,Sergio Rizzuto,Tyler Jon Olson,Rom...
10 Minutes Gone (2019)
10 Minutes Gone (2019)A crime thriller that centers on a man whose memory has been lost due to a bank heist gone wrong. Th...
Genreo : Action,Crime,Mystery
Actors : Michael Chiklis,Bruce Willis,Meadow Williams,Kyle Schmid,Texas Battle,Lydia Hull,Swen Temmel,John D....