Kamil bajorek Movies

  • 2023

    Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman 2 (2023)

    Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman 2 (2023)

    The story of Polish fortunes, how were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into pri...

    Genreo : Comedy,Crime,Drama

    Actors : Malgorzata Kozuchowska,Agnieszka Wiedlocha,Dominika Gwit,Paulina Galazka,Sebastian Stankiewicz,Micha...

  • 2022

    Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman (2022)

    Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman (2022)

    Poland in the 80's was a country ruled by crisis and a sense of hopelessness. Only few knew how to t...

    Genreo : Comedy,Drama

    Actors : Sebastian Stankiewicz,Malgorzata Kozuchowska,Agnieszka Wiedlocha,Michal Koterski,Rafal Zawierucha,Ma...
