Joanna dyah Movies
The Redemption of Sin (2024)
The Redemption of Sin (2024)The twists and turns of Wening's struggle, a mother who is willing to be haunted and atone for her s...
Genreo : Drama,Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Actors : Happy Salma,Putri Marino,Shogen,Bhisma Mulia,Laksmi Notokusumo,Keiko Ananta,Haru Sandra,Eduward Mana...
Thaghut (2024)
Thaghut (2024)Ainun found out that her biological father, Abah Mulya, was actually a spiritual teacher who taught ...
Genreo : Horror
Actors : Yasmin Napper,Arbani Yasiz,Ria Ricis,Whani Darmawan,Dennis Adhiswara,Hana Saraswati,Keanu Azka,Nasar...