James chase Movies

  • 1982

    Then Churchill Said to Me (1993)

    Then Churchill Said to Me (1993)

    Set in the 1940s in Winston Churchill's secret underground bunker. Frankie Howerd plays a soldier na...

    Genreo : Comedy

    Actors : Frankie Howerd,Nicholas Courtney,Joanna Dunham,Shaun Curry,James Chase,Michael Attwell,Peggy Ann Cli...

  • 1972

    Virgin Witch (1973)

    Virgin Witch (1973)

    A pair of miniskirted birds who travel to a remote castle in order to land a contract in the modelin...

    Genreo : Horror

    Actors : Ann Michelle,Vicki Michelle,Keith Buckley,Patricia Haines,James Chase,Paula Wright,Christopher Strai...
