Hsiung yang Movies

  • 1981

    Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1981)

    Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu (1981)

    After the massacre of a small village a group of survivors lead by one of man called Ah Tien is trai...

    Genreo : Action,Comedy,Drama

    Actors : Hao-Yi Liu,Alexander Rei Lo,Chi-Ping Chang,Shun Chien,Kuo-Chung Ching,Ming-kuei Hsiao,Cheng-Sheng Hu...

  • 1998

    A Chinese Torture Chamber Story II (1998)

    A Chinese Torture Chamber Story II (1998)

    Two bandits and their female partners accost a mysterious and talented traveler who seems destined f...

    Genreo :

    Actors : Mark Cheng,Yolinda Yam,Wai-Kin Lam,Fan Yeung,Hsiung Yang,Li Ai,Soi Cheang,Ben-Ko Chu,Ting-Sheng Lin,...

  • 1979

    The Kid with the Golden Arm (1979)

    The Kid with the Golden Arm (1979)

    Director Chang Cheh reunites the Five Venoms in his second biggest cult hit in the West. It's Lo Men...

    Genreo : Action,Drama

    Actors : Chien Sun,Meng Lo,Feng Lu,Sheng Chiang,Helen Poon,Phillip Chung-Fung Kwok,Pai Wei,Dick Wei,Lung-Wei ...
