Haru sandra Movies
The Redemption of Sin (2024)
The Redemption of Sin (2024)The twists and turns of Wening's struggle, a mother who is willing to be haunted and atone for her s...
Genreo : Drama,Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Actors : Happy Salma,Putri Marino,Shogen,Bhisma Mulia,Laksmi Notokusumo,Keiko Ananta,Haru Sandra,Eduward Mana...
Sakaratul Maut (2024)
Sakaratul Maut (2024)At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his firs...
Genreo : Drama,Horror,Thriller
Actors : Indah Permatasari,Claresta Taufan Kusumarina,José Rizal Manua,Della Dartyan,Retno Soetarto,Aksara D...
Cigarette Girl (2023)
Cigarette Girl (2023)Amid the evocative blend of flavorful spices to create the perfect kretek cigarette, two souls embar...
Genreo : Drama,History,Romance
Actors : Dian Sastrowardoyo,Ario Bayu,Arya Saloka,Putri Marino,Ibnu Jamil,Sheila Dara Aisha,Tissa Biani Azzah...