Giuseppe mattei Movies

  • 1975

    The Hot Nights of Linda (1975)

    The Hot Nights of Linda (1975)

    A wealthy father hires a young woman in need of a job to take care of his depressed and paralysed da...

    Genreo : Adult,Drama

    Actors : Alice Arno,Lina Romay,Verónica Llimerá,Paul Muller,Monica Swinn,Giuseppe Mattei,Catherine Lafferi�...

  • 1976

    Werewolf Woman (1976)

    Werewolf Woman (1976)

    A woman has dreams that she is a werewolf so she goes out and finds men. She proceeds to have sex wi...

    Genreo : Horror

    Actors : Annik Borel,Howard Ross,Dagmar Lassander,Tino Carraro,Elio Zamuto,Osvaldo Ruggieri,Andrea Scotti,Fre...

  • 1964

    The Last Man on Earth (1964)

    The Last Man on Earth (1964)

    When a disease turns all of humanity into the living dead, the last man on earth becomes a reluctant...

    Genreo : Drama,Horror,Sci-Fi

    Actors : Vincent Price,Franca Bettoia,Emma Danieli,Giacomo Rossi Stuart,Umberto Raho,Christi Courtland,Antoni...

  • 1969

    Sabata (1969)

    Sabata (1969)

    A master gunfighter sides with a banjo-playing drifter and a Mexican tramp to foil the dignitaries o...

    Genreo : Action,Drama,Western

    Actors : Lee Van Cleef,William Berger,Ignazio Spalla,Aldo Canti,Franco Ressel,Antonio Gradoli,Linda Veras,Rob...
