Ginzô matsuo Movies
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (1996)
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (1996)Based on the legendary video game series. This anime classic follows Ryu, a talented fighter who may...
Genreo : Animation,Action,Adventure
Actors : Kôjiro Shimizu,Kenji Haga,Miki Fujitani,Masane Tsukayama,Masakatsu Funaki,Ginzô Matsuo,Shôz...
Ghost in the Shell (1996)
Ghost in the Shell (1996)A cyborg policewoman and her partner hunt a mysterious and powerful hacker called the Puppet Master.
Genreo : Animation,Action,Crime
Actors : Atsuko Tanaka,Iemasa Kayumi,Akio Ôtsuka,Kôichi Yamadera,Yutaka Nakano,Tamio Ôki,Tesshô...