Fei lung Movies

  • 1979

    The Fearless Young Boxer (1979)

    The Fearless Young Boxer (1979)

    While on a fishing trip, Shao Lung's father is killed by Wu Pa Feng in front of the young man's eyes...

    Genreo : Action,Comedy

    Actors : Ho Wang,Ji-Lung Chang,Lu-Ling Li,Hui-Lou Chen,Kai Chia,Yi-Chun Chiang,Ma Chin-Ku,Li Hsu,Han-Chang Hu...

  • 1979

    The Seven Commandments of Kung Fu (1979)

    The Seven Commandments of Kung Fu (1979)

    An old Kung fu master and Assassin adopts a new disciple and teaches him the mantis kung fu in the h...

    Genreo : Action

    Actors : Chung-Kuei Chang,Yi Chang,Kuo-Chung Ching,Hou-Tao Hsiao,Cheng Ku,Tso-Yung Li,Yi-Min Li,Fei Lung,Chin...

  • 1976

    Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger (1976)

    Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger (1976)

    A student of Bruce Lee travels to Hong Kong to search for answers regarding his masters death. He ge...

    Genreo : Action,Crime,Drama

    Actors : Bruce Li,Yi Chang,Kang Chin,Shao Chun Chao,Hsin-Yi Chiang,Ping An,Shen-Lin Chen,Fu-Hsiung Cheng,Yen-...

  • 1977

    Return of the Tiger (1977)

    Return of the Tiger (1977)

    Shrewd and suave Chang Wong, and his redoubtable female partner, devise an elaborate plan to take ou...

    Genreo : Action,Crime

    Actors : Bruce Li,Paul L. Smith,Yi Chang,Angela Mao,Fei Lung,Hsing Hsieh,Fu-Hsiung Cheng,Han Hsieh,Chia-Hsian...

  • 1977

    Jue quan (1977)

    Jue quan (1977)

    An aging martial arts expert is gifted a plaque from the Emperor declaring him the Kung Fu World Cha...

    Genreo : Action,Comedy,Drama

    Actors : Yi-Min Li,Jack Long,Kuan-Wu Lung,Nancy Yen,Chung-Hsing Chao,Chin-Hai Chen,Chiu Chen,Ching-Feng Chian...

  • 2002

    Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2002)

    Kung Pow: Enter the Fist (2002)

    A rough-around-the-edges martial arts master seeks revenge for his parents' death.

    Genreo : Action,Comedy

    Actors : Steve Oedekerk,Fei Lung,Leo Lee,Ling-Ling Hsieh,Lin Yan,Chia-Yung Liu,Hui-Lou Chen,Chi Ma,Jennifer T...
