Damien diaz Movies
Hard Miles (2024)
Hard Miles (2024)A prison social worker assembles a cycling team of teenage convicts and takes them on a transformati...
Genreo : Drama,Sport
Actors : Sean Astin,Matthew Modine,Jackson Kelly,Leslie David Baker,Cynthia Kaye McWilliams,Ryan Shukis,Jahki...
Ashes (2018)
Ashes (2018)After a family's estranged aunt passes away, they're reluctant and creeped out to receive her cremat...
Genreo : Comedy,Horror
Actors : Melinda DeKay,Damien Diaz,Jeremy Isaiah Earl,Casey James,Elizabeth Keener,Brandon Lamberty,Angelique...
The Wrong Roommate (2016)
The Wrong Roommate (2016)Following a break-up with her unfaithful fiancé, a young college professor agrees to live at her si...
Genreo : Mystery,Thriller
Actors : Jessica Morris,Jason-Shane Scott,Dominique Swain,Vivica A. Fox,William McNamara,Brianna Joy Chomer,E...