Connor powles Movies
Popeye's Revenge (2025)
Popeye's Revenge (2025)The legend of Popeye haunts a group of councilors as they intend to open a summer camp.
Genreo : Horror
Actors : Emily Mogilner,Connor Powles,Danielle Ronald,Max Arlott,Bruno Cryan,Kathi DeCouto,Kyle Jordan,Oliver...
The Deadly Swarm (2024)
The Deadly Swarm (2024)A group of friends attend a medical trial retreat. Run by the suspicious Dr. Feldman, they soon disc...
Genreo : Horror,Sci-Fi
Actors : Leona Clarke,Elliott Eason,Richard Kovacs,Jon Kerr,Osian Dixon,Christabel Clark,Connor Powles,May Ke...
Jurassic Triangle (2024)
Jurassic Triangle (2024)A group of colleagues crash land on a mysterious island that they cannot escape. They discover they ...
Genreo : Horror
Actors : Darrell Griggs,Sian Altman,Andre Pierre,Dorothea Jones,Faith Kiggundu,Rob Kirtley,Amelie Leroy,Conno...