Clifford earl Movies

  • 1969

    Horror House (1970)

    Horror House (1970)

    Teenagers gathered in an old mansion are being murdered one by one. The survivors must discover who ...

    Genreo : Horror,Mystery,Thriller

    Actors : Frankie Avalon,Jill Haworth,Dennis Price,Mark Wynter,George Sewell,Gina Warwick,Richard O'Sullivan,C...

  • 1970

    Scream and Scream Again (1970)

    Scream and Scream Again (1970)

    A serial killer who drains his victims' blood is on the loose in London. The police follow him to a ...

    Genreo : Crime,Drama,Horror

    Actors : Vincent Price,Christopher Lee,Peter Cushing,Alfred Marks,Michael Gothard,Christopher Matthews,Judy H...
