Claude jabbour Movies
Optics (2025)
Optics (2025)Two young women, unexpectedly promoted, face crises at their PR firm. Managing celebrities and corpo...
Genreo :
Actors : Jenna Owen,Vic Zerbst,Charles Firth,Bali Padda,Belinda Giblin,Claude Jabbour,Aaron Collins,Virginie ...
Nugget Is Dead: A Christmas Story (2024)
Nugget Is Dead: A Christmas Story (2024)During Christmas, Steph Stoll's family dog falls ill, forcing her to return to her Australian hometo...
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Kerry Armstrong,Gia Carides,Priscilla Doueihy,Damien Garvey,Lelong Hu,Claude Jabbour,Mandy McElhinne...
Last King of the Cross (2023)
Last King of the Cross (2023)It follows two brothers: Sam and John Ibrahim. They organize the street but lose each other in their...
Genreo : Crime,Drama
Actors : Maria Tran,Lincoln Younes,Claude Jabbour,Callan Mulvey,Matt Nable,Tim Roth,Dion Williams,Hoa Xuande,...
Eden (2021)
Eden (2021)It follows the disappearance of a young woman which triggers a devastating chain of events which lay...
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Sophie Wilde,BeBe Bettencourt,Alexandria Steffensen,Keiynan Lonsdale,Christopher James Baker,Claude ...
Measure for Measure (2020)
Measure for Measure (2020)The lives of inhabitants of a housing commission tower whose paths cross after a shocking event occu...
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Hugo Weaving,Harrison Gilbertson,Megan Smart,Doris Younane,Mark Leonard Winter,Daniel Henshall,Fayss...
Stateless (2020)
Stateless (2020)Inspired by true events; a woman escaping a cult, a refugee fleeing with his family, a father trappe...
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Yvonne Strahovski,Jai Courtney,Asher Keddie,Fayssal Bazzi,Dominic West,Cate Blanchett,Marta Dusseldo...