Claud anderson Movies

  • 2019

    Out of Darkness (2016)

    Out of Darkness (2016)

    Out of Darkness is a full length three-part documentary examining the untold history of African peop...

    Genreo : Documentary,History

    Actors : Umar Johnson,Sabir Bey,Claud Anderson,Kaba Kamene,Tim Wise,Joy Degruy,Tony Browder,Atlantis Browder,...

  • 2019

    Hidden Colors 5: The Art of Black Warfare (2019)

    Hidden Colors 5: The Art of Black Warfare (2019)

    Hidden Colors 5 is the final installment of the critically acclaimed Hidden Colors documentary serie...

    Genreo : Documentary

    Actors : Shahrazad Ali,Claud Anderson,David Banner,Chuck D,Ice-T,Kaba Kamene,Tariq Nasheed,Jabari Osaze,Kmt S...

  • 2012

    Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin (2012)

    Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin (2012)

    "Hidden Colors 2" is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed 2011 documentary about the untold his...

    Genreo : Documentary

    Actors : Michelle Alexander,Claud Anderson,Tony Browder,Booker T. Coleman,Umar Johnson,KRS-One,Tariq Nasheed,...
