Ciara baxendale Movies
Inheritance (2025)
Inheritance (2025)When Maya learns her father Sam was once a spy, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an inter...
Genreo : Thriller
Actors : Phoebe Dynevor,Rhys Ifans,Daniel Joey Albright,José Alvarez,Ciara Baxendale,Kersti Bryan,Byron Cloh...
Trying (2020)
Trying (2020)All Jason and Nikki want is a baby, but it's the one thing they just can't have. So, they decide to ...
Genreo : Comedy,Drama,Romance
Actors : Rafe Spall,Esther Smith,Sian Brooke,Oliver Chris,Darren Boyd,Ophelia Lovibond,Phil Davis,Robyn Cara,...
My Mad Fat Diary (2013)
My Mad Fat Diary (2013)Set in the mid-90s at the height of Cool Britannia, a drama based on real diaries takes an honest lo...
Genreo : Comedy,Drama,Romance
Actors : Ciara Baxendale,Dan Cohen,Jodie Comer,Darren Evans,Ian Hart,Nico Mirallegro,Jordan Murphy,Sharon Roo...