Chris james boylan Movies
The Golden Voice (2025)
The Golden Voice (2025)A young street singer and a homeless veteran remedy dark times through friendship and music.
Genreo : Drama
Actors : Nick Nolte,Dharon Jones,Sydney Mae Diaz,Carmen Ruby Floyd,Lenny Steinline,Haniq Best,Chris James Boy...
Zeroes (2018)
Zeroes (2018)When best friends, Ray and Kenneth, drunkenly foil a robbery, Philadelphia becomes abuzz with the an...
Genreo : Comedy
Actors : Jacklyn Adelene,Steve Annan,Chris Anthony,Chris Anthony,Kayla Anthony,Ashley Blankenship,Chris James...
Alpha Rift (2021)
Alpha Rift (2021)When a magic helmet thrusts Nolan Parthmore into a world of modern-day knights fighting supernatural...
Genreo : Action,Comedy,Fantasy
Actors : Lance Henriksen,Aaron Dalla Villa,Rachel Nielsen,Philip N. Williams,Graham Wolfe,Allyson Malandra,Pe...
Bloodrunners (2017)
Bloodrunners (2017)Set in 1930s prohibition, a corrupt cop discovers that the popular speakeasy in town has been infilt...
Genreo : Action,Crime,Horror
Actors : Ice-T,Michael McFadden,Chris James Boylan,Airen DeLaMater,Peter Patrikios,Julie Ek,John Groody,Jack ...