Alex ballar Movies

  • 1996

    I Love You, I Love You Not (1997)

    I Love You, I Love You Not (1997)

    Prep school student Daisy and her European-born grandmother Nana share the sad stories of their live...

    Genreo : Drama,Romance

    Actors : Jeanne Moreau,Claire Danes,Jude Law,James Van Der Beek,Kris Park,Lauren Fox,Emily Burkes-Nossiter,Ca...

  • 2015

    Seeking Dolly Parton (2015)

    Seeking Dolly Parton (2015)

    When Charlie and her girlfriend Cerina decide to have a baby together, the idea of using Cerina's ex...

    Genreo : Comedy,Drama,Romance

    Actors : Kacey Clarke,Anya Monzikova,Michael Worth,Paula Alder,Alex Ballar,Raffaello Degruttola,Shane Fahy,Je...
